Quick Home Based Tips to Battle against Acid Influx or Indigestion

13apr 2017
It can also be caused by poor condition of liver or digestive organs of the body. As we grow older, our digestive system becomes weaker.

Indigestion is such a problem which can be triggered due to various reasons. For example, absence of balanced food habit is a clear cause behind indigestion. It can also be caused by poor condition of liver or digestive organs of the body. As we grow older, our digestive system becomes weaker. Indigestion or acid influx is also caused by side effects of commercial drugs or medicines. Nevertheless, stressful schedule, anxiety, hypertension, etc. are some of the prominent causes behind acidity. To heal indigestion, traditionally we follow a lot of home based tricks of techniques. In the following section, we shall find some of those best acid reflux remedies.

1. Baking Soda in Water

Indigestion or acid influx often leads to problem like heartburn. In order to cure such disorders in a whisker of time, one can try drinking baking soda mixed in water. This is the most effective way of heartburn and indigestion relief. Baking soda is not hard to get in the local shops, and even many of us have it in our houses. A small spoon of baking soda should be mixed in one cup water. This will create a perfect solution that gives the quickest heartburn or acid influx relief.

2. Avoid Drinking Tangy Juices

If you are having indigestion problems for a long time, then you should keep yourself away from drinking sour or tangy juices. Along with that, you can try acid reflux Gerd treatment. Whether you are fond of lime juice or lime soda drinks or even lemon juices or orange juices, you should avoid such things for a few months. Drinking lemon or orange juice will further enhance the acidity level and hence it will become more troublesome for you.

3. Avoid Smoking and Alcohol Drinking

Smoking is considered as one of the biggest reasons behind triggering acid influx. If you are an avid smoker, you should be careful that indigestion may harm your body at any moment. Moreover, smoking also kills your appetite and it enhances natural PH-level or acidity level in your stomach as well as intestine. This is why smoking often triggers the chances of experiencing heartburn or indigestion symptoms. The same has to be said in case of alcoholic drinks as well.

4. Ginger Juice Prepared at Home

One small teaspoon of ginger juice can act magically against heartburn and other types of indigestion issues. For quickest and simplest relief for acid influx, this is a trick that you must try. Ginger has tremendous good results for our health, and you know a lot of those benefits more or less. But, do you even know that ginger can provide excellent heartburn relief? Try this, as it would definitely work.

5. Drink More Water

Indigestion is common if your stomach lacks adequate water. Basically, stomach has several acid substances, and these acidic agents help in digestion of foods. However, you should also keep the fact in mind that due to lack of water density of acid present in stomach becomes high. High density acid causes indigestion and acid reflux issues, and the best way of treating such disorder is to consume more and more water. For an adult, it is important to drink at least 5 liters of water on daily basis.

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